Summary of Proposed Changes to Chesterbrook By-Laws The Chesterbrook Board recommends the proposed changes to the by-laws in order to provide flexibility in board succession in a few key positions. The changes will allow people who have gained experience on the board to put that experience to more immediate use in officer-level positions and will also widen the pool of people eligible to be elected for a board position. The proposed changes can be summarized as follows:
- Allow existing board members to be elected to a second term as long as that second term is as an officer (President, VP-Operations, VP-Personnel, Secretary, Treasurer).
- Remove the limitation of a spouse participating on the board directly after one-another.
- Impose a four year maximum consecutive elected term for any individual or household.
Please note: If these changes are approved, they shall not apply to any sitting members of the board (2018/2019 Board Members). Board members wishing to serve consecutive terms must still stand for election by vote of the membership. Current Language: Article V Section 2. Number of Directors and Compensation. The Board of Directors shall be comprised of fifteen (15) Class A members, consisting of: fourteen (14) elected Directors of the Club, and the Club Manager, who shall serve as an ex officio voting member. Any Class A member or adult member of a Club member’s household can stand for election to be a Director with the following provisos: a) No person shall be eligible for election who has served more than one (1) year on the Board of Directors immediately preceding an election. b) No person shall be eligible for election if such election would result in two people of the same household being on the Board at the same time. c) No person shall be eligible for election who is a household member of a person who has served more than one (1) year on the Board of Directors immediately preceding an election. Proposed new language: Article V Section 2. Number of Directors and Compensation. The Board of Directors shall be comprised of fifteen (15) Class A members, consisting of: fourteen (14) elected Directors of the Club, and the Club Manager, who shall serve as an ex officio voting member. Any Class A member or adult member of a Club member’s household can stand for election to be a Director with the following provisos: a) No person shall be eligible for election who has served more than one (1) year on the Board of Directors immediately preceding an election, unless that person is standing for election for a position as an officer of the board (President, VP-Operations, VP-Personnel, Secretary, Treasurer). b) No person shall be eligible for election if such election would result in two people of the same household being on the Board at the same time, and no household is eligible to be elected to a board seat for more than four consecutive years. c) No person shall be eligible to be elected for more than 4 consecutive years.
Proposed changes to Article V shall apply only those directors elected after August 24, 2019.